DREMEYE is a statistical learning system for visual fault recognition. It is a visual inspection system with learning capabilities for recognizing small differences in products traveling on a production line. It uses statistical analysis of the images for dynamically separating the product from the background and distribution analysis of pixels for filtering differences in the products.
The system comprises one or more computers connected to one or more cameras mounted along the production lines. These different sites can be trained to filter faulty products in different stages of assembly. The system thus scales well for the task.
- Industry
Drem is a research and development company providing comprehensive solutions in IT, engineering, and health, lead by physics researchers from the Eötvös Loránd Science University of Budapest.
The company develops innovative solutions based on the latest research results for a wide range of industries. A few of our bigger customers include General Motors, GE Lighting, ELTE University, University of Szeged.