Hungarian invention: concrete made out of plastic

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The plastic waste management is a huge problem worldwide. Most of our garbage is being buried or incinerated, only 9% of total recyclable waste will be recycled. Thanks to a Hungarian patent, non-recyclable or difficult-to-process plastic scrap can be used to make concrete in many construction sites, reports.
The beauty of this technology is that you do not need much to reuse plastic or other scraps. There are only two things you will need: a grinder and an additive, kind of like glue. From worthless waste, you can make concrete. After grinding down the garbage, you can use the tiny plastic particles and mix them with cement and water, then add the additive developed by Hungarians. The Masuko Ltd. developed a special additive that glues together the cement and the grounds up plastic waste. This technology lets you replace gravel with plastic. The additive practically bonds the plastic grate with the cement.
This plastic mixed concrete can be made and used as the traditional material. The result is more flexible than traditional concrete due to the plastic grains in it, and according to the inventor, it is best suited to make highways and sidewalks. The invention was patented in Hungary by the Masuko Ltd. This technology could be an excellent choice for countries that are most affected by plastic pollution, such as China, India and Chile, where the floating garbage causes serious problems in the ocean. The patent is simple, and the process does not require much aside from a grinder, plastic waste and the additive.
Almost any possible waste that can be ground to about 10 mm can be used to produce concrete. They have tried using grounded car parts, glass, any kind of plastic (without cleaning, organising, sorting any of it), ashes and many other things. This technology could finally give us a way to reuse plastic scraps. It is easy, cheap and the result can be used in construction, cutting down expenses and getting rid of garbage at the same time.
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